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Aru Koto wo Shitekisare, Mi ni Tsukeru You ni Natta TS Musume-chan
Aru Koto wo Shitekisare, Mi ni Tsukeru You ni Natta TS Musume-chan / あることを指摘され、身に着けるようになったTSっ娘ちゃん / The Gender-bent girl who came to a sudden realization when it was pointed out to her.
Kiyu Fuyuki
The Boy Who Got Scouted
The Boy Who Got Scouted / 男の子がスカウトされる漫画
Kiyu Fuyuki
The Young Lady Was Completely Exposed For Preparing a Bento For Her Childhood Friend
The Young Lady Was Completely Exposed For Preparing a Bento For Her Childhood Friend / 幼馴染のためにお弁当を用意するも全て筒抜けなお嬢様 / Osananajimi ni Tame ni Obentou wo Youi suru mo Subete Tsutsunuke na Ojou-sama
Kiyu Fuyuki
The Hero Who Pulled Out the Holy Sword That Changed His Gender
The Hero Who Pulled Out the Holy Sword That Changed His Gender / 引き抜くと女の子になってしまう聖剣を引き抜いてしまった勇者くん
Kiyu Fuyuki
Until My Best Friend Who Became a Girl One Day Becomes Happy
Until My Best Friend Who Became a Girl One Day Becomes Happy / ある日女になってしまった親友が幸せになるまでの話
Kiyu Fuyuki
2🇯🇵Genderswap,Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
The Vampire Who's on the Health Committee for a Chance to Suck Blood!
The Vampire Who's on the Health Committee for a Chance to Suck Blood! / 隙あらば血を吸おうとする保健委員の吸血鬼ちゃん!
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Yuube wa Otanoshimi Deshita ne
Yuube wa Otanoshimi Deshita ne / ゆうべはおたのしみでしたね
Kiyu Fuyuki
I Came to Say Goodbye to Her
I Came to Say Goodbye to Her / 彼女とお別れをしにきた / Kanojo to wo wakare wo Shi ni Kita
Kiyu Fuyuki
The story of a boy who turned into his best friend's type girl
The story of a boy who turned into his best friend's type girl / 親友 の どちゃ くそ タイプ な 女の子 に なっ て しまっ た 男の子 の 話 / Shin'yū no do cha kuso taipuna on'nanoko ni natte shimatta otokonoko no hanashi
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Genderswap,Comedy,Slice of Life
A Young Lady Who Gets Rid of the Obstacles in Her Way to Win Over Her Childhood Friend
A Young Lady Who Gets Rid of the Obstacles in Her Way to Win Over Her Childhood Friend / 幼馴染をものにすべくまずは外堀から埋めていくお嬢様 / Osana Najimi wo Mono ni Subeku Mazu wa Sotobori Kara Umete Iku Ojou-Sama
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life
TS Brat Who Wants To Bother an Uncle
TS Brat Who Wants To Bother an Uncle / TSメスガキおじさんを困らせたい
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Genderswap,Comedy,Full Color
A girl who seems like a yandere but isn't actually yandere, but is a little bit yandere
A girl who seems like a yandere but isn't actually yandere, but is a little bit yandere / ヤンデレのようでヤンデレじゃないちょっとだけヤンデレな女の子 / Yandere no You de Yandere Janai Chotto Dake Yandere na Onna no Ko
Kiyu Fuyuki
It's Impossible To Scare Away People With Those Breasts
It's Impossible To Scare Away People With Those Breasts / そのおっぱいでびびらせるのは無理があるよね / Sono Oppai de Bibiraseru no Wa Muri ga Aruyone
Kiyu Fuyuki
1🇯🇵School Life,Full Color
Shinyuu-kun to issen koetakute TSkko-chan
Shinyuu-kun to issen koetakute TSkko-chan / 親友君と一線越えたくてTSっ娘ちゃん
Kiyu Fuyuki
Mechamecha ki ni natteru gyaru ga nankaya be ̄ kanji ni natte ku yatsu
Mechamecha ki ni natteru gyaru ga nankaya be ̄ kanji ni natte ku yatsu / めちゃめちゃきになってるギャルがなんかやべーかんじになってくやつ
Kiyu Fuyuki
5🇯🇵Romance,Slice of Life,Full Color
I’m the Type of Person Who Looks Thin When Wearing Clothes, You Know?
I’m the Type of Person Who Looks Thin When Wearing Clothes, You Know? / 私、意外と着やせするタイプなんですよ? / Watashi, Igai to Kiyase Suru Type Nandesu yo?
Kiyu Fuyuki
The Boy Who Somehow Ended Up Working in a Maid Cafe
The Boy Who Somehow Ended Up Working in a Maid Cafe / なぜかメイドカフェで働くことになった男の子の話
Kiyu Fuyuki
Tōi sonzai to natta kanojo wa…
Tōi sonzai to natta kanojo wa… / 遠い存在となった彼女は…
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
My Wife Who Has Been Told She Doesn’T Have Long To Live...
余命宣告をうけた妻が......と言ってきた…… / Yomei Senkoku wo Uketa Tsuma Ittekita
Kiyu Fuyuki
1Comedy,Slice of Life,Tragedy
My Wife, Who Has Been Told She Doesn’t Have Long to Live, Wants to Leave a Recipe Notebook for Our Daughter...
My Wife, Who Has Been Told She Doesn’t Have Long to Live, Wants to Leave a Recipe Notebook for Our Daughter... / 余命宣告をうけた妻が娘のためにレシピノートを残したいと言ってきた……
Kiyu Fuyuki
11🇯🇵Oneshot,Slice of Life,Tragedy
The Girl Has Her Brain Blanked Out for a Momentary Lapse
The Girl Has Her Brain Blanked Out for a Momentary Lapse / A Girl Whose Hindbrain Bugs Out for Just a Moment / 一瞬の時間が経った後脳がバグるやつ / Isshun no Jikan ga Tatsu Kounou ga Baguru Yatsu / A girl whose hindbrain/rhomebencephalon coordinates functions that are fundamental to survival, including respiratory rhythm, motor activity, sleep, and wakefulness, bugs out for just a moment
Kiyu Fuyuki
Aa-ah! I'll be With You for 3 More Years
Aa-ah! I'll be With You for 3 More Years / あーあ!これでまたあんたと3年あ間一緒か
Kiyu Fuyuki
Au tabi ni hikuku natte iku on'nanoko
Au tabi ni hikuku natte iku on'nanoko / 合う 旅 に 低く なって 行く 女の子
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Sports,Medical,School Life,Slice of Life
I Like Girls Who Put on a Brave Face Even After Being Rejected.
I Like Girls Who Put on a Brave Face Even After Being Rejected. / フラれても最後まで強がっちゃう女の子が好きです。 / Furarete mo Saigo Made Tsuyoga Chau Onnanoko ga Suki Desu.
Kiyu Fuyuki
Dating Choices for Various Types of Girls
Dating Choices for Various Types of Girls / カップルごとにいろんなデートがあってみんないいよね / Kappurugoto ni Ironna de-to ga atte Minna ii yo ne
Kiyu Fuyuki
Warming Up My Wife In A Unique Way.
Warming Up My Wife In A Unique Way. / 独特な方法で暖をとる嫁ちゃん / Dokutokuna Houhou de Dan wo Toru Yome-chan / Warming Up Yome-chan In A Unique Way.
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Slice of Life
Honban Chokuzen ni Kegashita Idol no Kawari ni Stage ni Tatsu Koto ni Natta Manager-san
Honban Chokuzen ni Kegashita Idol no Kawari ni Stage ni Tatsu Koto ni Natta Manager-san / 本番直前にケガしたアイドルの代わりにステージに立つことになったマネージャーさん / The Manager Going in Place of an Injured Idol Right before the Performance
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Slice of Life
My Wife Cosplaying for Christmas
My Wife Cosplaying for Christmas / クリスマスもなんだかんだコスプレしてくれる嫁ちゃん
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Comedy,Slice of Life
Onna ni Natta Tomodachi o Suki ni Natte Shimatta
Onna ni Natta Tomodachi o Suki ni Natte Shimatta / 女になった友達を好きになってしまった / I Ended Up Falling in Love with My Friend Who Became a Girl
Kiyu Fuyuki
Zettai kitai shi teru yome-chan
Zettai kitai shi teru yome-chan
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Sports,Full Color
Futari de Hairu To Semaine……
Futari de Hairu To Semaine…… / Is cramped with two people in here, isn't it…… / 2人で入ると狭いね……
Kiyu Fuyuki
A Reporter Who Was Interviewed on The Street by Chance While Being on A Date
A Reporter Who Was Interviewed on The Street by Chance While Being on A Date / デート中に偶然街頭インタビューされてしまったリポーターさん / Deetochuu ni Guuzen Gaitou Intabyuu Sareteshimatta Ripootaa-san / Deetochuu ni Guuzen Gaitou Intabyuu Sareteshimatta Repootaa-san
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,Full Color
The Otaku who turned into a Gal because of a Otaku-Friendly Gal.
The Otaku who turned into a Gal because of a Otaku-Friendly Gal. / オタクに優しいギャルによってギャルにされてしまうオタク / O Otaku Que Se Tornou Uma Gal Por Causa De Uma Amiga Otaku Gal.
Kiyu Fuyuki
I Like Gal-chan Who Only Wears Glasses When Studying.
I Like Gal-chan Who Only Wears Glasses When Studying. / 勉強するときだけメガネかけるギャルちゃんすき。 / Benkyou Suru Toki Dake Megane Kakeru Gyaru-chan Suki
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Oneshot,Romance,School Life,Full Color,Gyaru
I went home for New Year's, but it's nice to have a sister who keeps you around when it's time to leave.
I went home for New Year's, but it's nice to have a sister who keeps you around when it's time to leave. / Oshōgatsu jikka ni kisei shi tetakedo, kaeru toki ni natte hikitomete kuru imōto tte ī yo ne / お正月実家に帰省してたけど、帰るときになって引き留めてくる妹っていいよね
Kiyu Fuyuki
🇯🇵Slice of Life