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Dragon Ball Z TV Special Jump Anime Comics
Bardock - Father of Goku / Dragon Ball Z TV Special / The History of Trunks / ドラゴンボールZ 3―たったひとりの最終決戦 / ドラゴンボールZ 5―絶望への反抗
TORIYAMA Akira, Toei Animation / Toei Animation
Coddled Princess's Second Life
Trùng sinh chi kiều sủng tiểu công chúa / Zhong Sheng Zhijiao Chong XiaoGongzhu / 重生之娇宠小公主
Maodan Dangong Chang
Kimi ga Kono Te wo Hanarerunara
君がこの手を離れるなら / Kimi ga Kono Te wo Hanareru nara, Kimi ga Konote wo Hanarerunara, If You Leave Me, Love or Hate, Child's Talking Time, Trouble. Terrible. Dog, White-robed King, RIVAL!, Weekend Lovers
Gush / Tatsuru Kouji / 小路 龍流 / Harumo Kuibira / 柊平 ハルモ
Would You Care for a Butler?
Shitsuji no Iru Seikatsu wa Ikagadesuka / 執事のいる生活はいかがですか? / 執事的貼身服務您還滿意嗎?
Haruno Sora
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai
岸辺露伴は動かない / Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, Kishibe Rohan is Unmovable, Zangeshitsu, At a confessional, Mutsukabezaka, Fugou Mura, Mitsuryou Kaigan, Poaching Reef, Kishibe Rohan Gucci e Iku, Rohan da Gucci, Mochizuki-ke no Otsukimi, Getsuyoubi - Tenkiame, D.N.A, The Run
Shounen Jump / Hirohiko Araki / 荒木 飛呂彦 / Araki Toshiyuki / 荒木 利之
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Yoisugidesu, Heichou!
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Yoisugidesu Heichou! / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - You're Too Drunk, Heichou! / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - You’re Too Drunk, Captain! / 進撃の巨人 dj - 酔いすぎです兵長!
UNAP! (Maine)
The Seven Princes of the Thousand Year Labyrinth Gaiden: The Champion of the Dawn
Sennen Meikyuu no Nana Ouji Gaiden -Akatsuki no Ouja- / 千年迷宮の七王子外伝 -暁の王者-
Aikawa Yu / Atori Haruno
If the Shoe Fits
恋を履かせる最高の条件 / Koi wo Hakaseru Saikou no Jouken / Bousou x Hatsukoi★Complete
Qpa / Yuu Suioka / 翠岡 優 / るんぁ / Runa / 白庵 / Shiroan
Shounen Tsubaki
少年椿 / Shonen Tsubaki, A Boy Named Tsubaki, Kiss in the Dark, Kono Koi wo Owaraseru, Under Cover of Darkness, Tsubaki Saku Haru, The Spring When Camellias Bloom
Runa Konjiki / 紺色 ルナ
Majo no Tachi Nomigusuri Saketen
Majo no Tachi Nomi Yakushuuten / Run By a Witch, Medicinal Liquor Standing Bar / 魔女の立ち飲み薬酒店
Narita Kou / 成田コウ
Za Tekunorojī ~ Wakuwaku Gijutsu Kenkyū Nisshi ~
The Technology / ザ・テクノロジー ~ワクワク技術研究日誌~
Harunatsu Akito
Zoku Konna Koi ni Narunante
Konna Koi ni Naru Nante / The Love You'd Least Expect / こんな恋になるなんて / 意想不到的戀愛 / 続・こんな恋になるなんて
Haruyama Moto
A Seed of Love / Everlasting Smile / Ferris Wheel / I Believe / Is it Love? / Juice (Juice) / North Star Love / Run / Tears of a Song / That Summer (Juice) / Wallet
Josei(W),Seinen(M),Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Adult,Smut,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life,Sports,Tragedy
Virtual Lovers
ヴァーチャル・ラバーズ / Cupid, Treashure, Excuse, Go Forth Young One!, Childhood Friend, Winter Runner, Innocent Youth
Kaoruko Maya
Nil no Koi Mahoujin
ニルの恋☆魔法陣 / Nil no Koi Mahoujin / Nil's Magic Circle of Love
ikemi runa