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Minasama Etes-vous Prêts?
みなさまエト・ヴ・プレ? / Are you ready for everyone?
Comic Newtype / Tokihiko Tamaru / 田丸 鴇彦
After Being Reborn, I Became the Strongest to Save Everyone
Shi ni Modori, Subete o Sukuu Tame ni Saikyou e to Itaru / Shi ni Modori, Subete wo Sukuu Tame ni Saikyou He to Itaru / 死に戻り、全てを救うために最強へと至る
shiryu / oota yokan
The villain's Prince can't be in love.
悪役王子は恋ができない / Akuyaku Ouji wa Koi ga Dekinai
Comic REX / Kazusa Yoneda / 米田 和佐
Mahou ga Tsukaenakutemo
Dare Datte Skylark / Mahou ga Tsukaenakute mo / Paradise! / Suginami Ku Nite / すぎなみくにて / パラダイス! / 誰だってスカイラーク / 魔法が使えなくても / Enyone Skylarks / Even If I Can't Use Magic
kanna kii
2Josei(W),Ecchi,Supernatural,Slice of Life
Hidoku Shinaide
Don't Be Cruel / 酷くしないで / Treat me gently / Don't be Cruel, Please / Don't be Coldhearted, Please / After School Secret / Wagamama mo Aishite / Love the Selfish, Too / Hindered by Underwear / Don't Take Off the Sailor Uniform, Please / Hidoku Shinai de
yonezou nekota
Yaoi(BL),Adult,Comedy,School Life,Drama
Crest of the Stars (Yonemura Kouichirou)
星界の紋章 (米村孝一郎) (Japanese) / Crest of the Stars (English)
Morioka Hiroyuki / Yonemura Kouichirou
Yellow Heart
イエローハーツ / The Yellow Hearts
Kengo Yonekura / 米倉 けんご / Natsuo Imamura / 今村 夏央 / KyokenDINERz / Comic Kairaku-ten
Toutoi. 4P Short Stories
尊い。 4Pショート・ストーリーズ / Precious 4P Short Stories
Namori / なもり / Asato Mizu / 水 あさと / Milmake Orange / ミルメークオレンジ / Akitaka / 秋タカ / Kazusa Yoneda / 米田 和佐 / Ken Wakai / 若井 ケン / Fumita Yanagida / 柳田 史太 / 性文化研 / Seibunkaken / Tsuyoshi Takaki / タカキ ツヨシ / Tsuyoshi Takagi / 高木 勇志 / Koume Fujichika / 藤近 小梅 / Kaihei Nakahara / 中原 開平 / Roron Oohara / 大原 ロロン / Niiro Ikuhana / 幾花 にいろ / Yuzuchiri / ゆずチリ / Shunsuke Sorato / 空翔 俊介 / Imari Arita / 有田 イマリ / Wakame Konbu / 昆布 わかめ / ruch_f / ルッチーフ / Shiromanta / しろまんた / Seiichi Kinoue / 紀ノ上 晟一 / Fuyu Azuma / 東 ふゆ / Makoto Kudou / 工藤 マコト / Niichi / にいち / 木漏れ陽ぱれっと / Komorebi Pallette / Rei. / 玲。
Arcana 08 - Butler II
Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 8 - Shitsuji II / Arcana - Butler II / Mr Finding / Butler Hassle / From Today / I'm a Butler! / Butler Game / Le Droit d'aimer / The Apprenctice Butler and His Mistress / Brilliant Emerald / The Nagging Butler Likes Troubl / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (8) [執事Ⅱ] / Arcana - Shitsuji II / Mr. Finding / From Today, I’m a Butler! / The Nagging Butler Likes Troublemakers / Tarte Tatin / The Mistress’ Favourite / A Distance at Which Tea Doesn’t Cool / The Master, His Butler, and a Magical Book / The Courtyard Secret / The Butler Is Useless? / Butler-Battle / Mr. Butler / I’m a Butler! / Le Droit d’aimer / From Today, I'm a Butler! / The Mistress' Favourite / A Distance at Which Tea Doesn't Cool
anthology / asato asahina / aya takamiya / fukusuke miyamoto / haruka mazaki / hitomi usaki / ichiha akizuki / jam / mariko kawazoe / mayu kosugi / mushi ishikawa / sachiko nakamura / setsuko yoneyama / shinobu takayama / tatsune seno / touya mikanagi / yaku haibara / yashirou saeki / yasuka asada / yuu geni
Suterare Seijo no Isekai Gohantabi: Kakure Sukiru de Camping Car o Shoukan Shimashita
Yoneori / [Add]
1Josei(W),Adventure,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
In the God's Arms
神様の腕の中 / Kamisama no Ude no Naka / Kami-sama no Ude no Naka
Magazine Be x Boy / Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵
Doushitemo Furetakunai dj - The World with Color
yoneda kou
Yaoi(BL),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
NightS -Another Night-
或る夜 / Aru Yoru. / NightS dj - Another Story
Kou Yoneda / ヨネダ コウ / Nitro Koutetsu / Raw / Haitani Kou / Itarukoga
Dare nimo Ienai
誰にも言えない / Dare ni mo Ienai / Darenimo Ienai / I Can't Tell Anyone (SHIGISAWA Kaya)
shigisawa kaya
Yuri(GL),Ecchi,Mature,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Oniichan dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne
お兄ちゃんだけど愛さえあれば関係ないよねっ / 就算是哥有爱就没问题 / As Long As There's Love, It Doesn't Matter If He Is My Brother, Right!? / Onii Ai / Onii-Ai / Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankei Naiyone / Oniichan dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne / Tant qu'il y a de l'amour, ce n'est pas grave s'il est mon frère, n'est ce pas?
suzuki daisuke / rokushou kokuu
つよがり / Secrets of a Youth
Biblos / Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵
I'm an Opportunistic Princess in Charge of Solving Things
I Am a Princess Responsible for Settling Circumstances / I'm a Princess in Charge of Solving Things According to Self-Interest / Soy Una Princesa Oportunista Encargada De Resolver Cosas / The Opportunistic Princess in Charge of Problem Solving / Watashi wa Gotsugou Shugi na Kaiketsu Tantou no Oujo de Aru / 我成为了解决剧情需求的皇女角色 / 私はご都合主義な解決担当の王女である
Mamechoro / Yoneda Kazusa
13🇯🇵Comedy,Historical,Romance,Shounen ai,Isekai
Yasashiku Shinai de (NEKOTA Yonezou)
優しくしないで (NEKOTA Yonezou) / 酷くしないで 番外編 / Be Cruel With Me / Don't Be Gentle, Please / Yasashiku Shinaide (NEKOTA Yonezou)
nekota yonezou
Yaoi(BL),Mature,Smut,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Sensei wa Dummy
先生はダミー / The Teacher is a Dummy, Stupid Teacher
Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵
Everyone's Loose Screw
Hazureta Minna no Atama no Neji ,外れたみんなの頭のネジ
Seinen(M),Cooking,Horror,Mystery,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural
Every Time We Meet Eye To Eye, I Fall In Love With Her
Ano Musume to Me ga Au Tabi Watashi wa, Shakaijin Yuri Ansorojii,Whenever Our Eyes Meet…: A Women's Love Anthology,あの娘と目が合うたび私は 社会人百合アンソロジー,Ano Musume to Me ga Au Tabi Watashi wa Shakaijin Yuri Anthology ,Everyone's Missing Out,Whenever Our Eyes Meet: A Women's Love Anthology
Rosebud (Irua)
Josei(W),Yuri(GL),Romance,Shoujo ai
Sunset Rose
Hideyuki Yonehara / 米原 秀幸 / Bessatsu Shounen Champion
I'm An Opportunistic Princess In-Charge Of Solving Things
The Opportunistic Princess in Charge of Problem Solving,I Am a Princess Responsible For Settling Circumstances,I'm A Princess In-Charge of Solving Things According To Self-Interest,Watashi wa gotsugou shugi na kaiketsu tantou no oujo de aru,私はご都合主義な解決担当の王女である
Kazusa Yoneda / Mamechoro / Mitsuya Fuji
4Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Shounen ai
Everyone in My Solo Party ~ Summon Us From Another World and Be Unmatch
Zenin Ore no Soropaatii ~ Bessekai no Oretachi wo Shoukanshite Musousuru~ / 全員俺のソロパーティー〜別世界の俺たちを召喚して無双する〜
aisaka takato / fukunari kanchi
1Everyone Loves Marutarou
みんなだいすきまるたろう / Minna Daisuki Marutarou
Young Champion Retsu / Yuusuke Hori / ホリ ユウスケ
Full Ahead! Coco: Zervance
フルアヘッド!ココ ゼルヴァンス
Hideyuki Yonehara / 米原 秀幸 / Bessatsu Shounen Champion
Love Celeb
ラブセレブ / Love Celeb: King Egoist, Rabu Serebu, Rabu Serebu - King Egoist, Dare nimo Ie nai, Dare ni mo Ie nai, I Can't Tell Anyone, I Cant Tell Anyone, Darenimo Ienai!
Sho-Comi / Mayu Shinjou / 新條 まゆ / Liliental Shinjou / Mayu Shinjyou / Mayu Shinozaki / Maaru Shinozaki / Maru Toriyama
Mousou Elektel dj - Shinaide + Elektel
Shinaide + Elektel / Delusion Elektel dj - Shinaide + Elektel
Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵
Michiru Heya
満ちる部屋 / The Full Room
Yonezou Nekota / ねこ田 米蔵 / Nekota Yonezoh / Komeya / 米屋 / Yamada D Yonezoh / 山田D米蔵