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Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka?
終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか? / What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
kareno akira / seu kaname
Do You Know the Real Dangers of Those So-Called "Legal" Drugs that are Being Sold?
合法といって売られている薬物の、本当の怖さを知っていますか? / Gouhou to itte Urareteiru Yakubutsu no, Hontou no Kowasa wo Shitteimasu ka? / Вы хоть знаете, как на самом деле опасны эти «легальные наркотики»?
nobuyuki fukumoto
Starting out as Friends With a Yankee Girl
Yankee Musume to o Tomodachi Kara Hajimete Mita / ヤンキー娘とお友達から始めてみた
kuroabam / kuroadam / kuroba dam
16🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Ecchi,Romance,School Life,Comedy,Delinquents,Slice of Life
What do you do at the end of the world? Are you busy? Will you save us?
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? / 終末なにしてますか?忙しいですか?救ってもらっていいですか?
kareno akira / seu kaname
Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!
おまえをオタクにしてやるから、俺をリア充にしてくれ! / 我会让你成为死宅的,把我变成现充吧! / เปลี่ยนผมเป็นคนธรรมดาทีฯ (Thai) / I'll Make You an Otaku, so Make Me Normal! / I’ll Make You into an Otaku, so Make Me into a Person Happy with Real Life! / I’ll Make You into an Otaku, so Make Me into a Riajuu! / Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure! / Omae wo Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore wo Riajuu ni Shitekure! / Otaria
murakami rin
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
It's Painful That I Have No Idea What High School Girls Are Thinking of These Days
Kirei ni Shitemoraemasu ka.
綺麗にしてもらえますか。 / Will You Clean This For Me?
Young Gangan / Mitsuru Hattori / はっとり みつる / 服部 充
1🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Zutto Miteita Mono desu kara
ずっとみていたものですから / Because I've Always Been Watching
Hisaya Nakajo / 中条 比紗也 / The Hana to Yume
Nyaa to Naku kara Aishite yo
Omegaverse Project / Umako Hareya / 晴屋 うまこ
A Story About a Boy Who Wants to Get Rid of His Sexual Frustrations, So an Angel Does Something About It
Bonnou o Nakushitai Shounen ga Tenshi ni Dou ni ka Shite Morau Ohanashi / 煩悩を無くしたい少年が天使にどうにかしてもらうお話
Tatsui Koto
Doukyonin no Tenohira de
同居人のてのひらで / Borderline Kousaten, Doukyonin no Kousaten
Juugorou Isaka / いさか 十五朗 / Boys Capi!
Isekai Saikyou no Seikishi wa Joujakusugite Kyou mo Net Enjoushiteru ~FF Gai Kara Shitsureishimasu~
The strongest holy knight in a different world is too much of a noob, he got in a troll fight today too~i don't follow you and you don’t follow me, but please excuse me.~ / 世界最強の聖騎士は情弱すぎて今日もネット炎上してる~FF外から失礼します~
enda marimo
The Story of My Husband's Cute Crossdressing
Otto ga Motte Ita Shashin kara Uwaki Kokoro o Utagau / The Photos of a Husband's Infidelity? / 夫が持っていた写真から浮気心を疑う / 夫の女装が可愛い話
7Doujinshi,Comedy,Crossdressing,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
If only it's an ideal daughter, would you even pamper the world's strongest?
理想の娘なら世界最強でも可愛がってくれますか? / Risou no Musume nara Sekai Saikyou demo Kawaigatte Kuremasu ka?
Shounen Ace / Ghost Mikawa / 三河 ごーすと / Mahcdai / マッハダイ
Koi Chirakashite
恋ちらかして / Saijoukai no Rapunzel, Hajimete no Koi., Hana to Hakamori., Ano Akari no Hitotsu ni, Kodomo no Kare, Toritate-ya no Koi, Santa ga Seiya ni Yattekuru, Again, Roommate, 26cm no Glass no Kutsu, Sakura Yami, Voice
Yuki Yoshihara / 吉原 由起 / Ane-kei Petit Comic
When I woke up this morning, I thought I had become a woman, but...
terai akane
Oneshot,Comedy,Gender Bender
1-ko Shita kara, Kiss sasete.
1コ下から、キスさせて。 / Ai Aru Kimi to, Koisuru Usotsuki.
Betsucomi / Vega Nakashima / 中島 ベガ
Nidoto Ie Ni Wa Kaerimasen!
I&Rsquo / Ll Never Go Back To Bygone Days! / Never Going Home Again! / Never Going Home Again! ~ Since I Was Persecuted, I Should Repay The Favor, Or Else I&Rsquo / Ll Be Unreasonable ~ / Nido To Ie Ni Ha Kaerimasen! / Nido To Ie Ni Wa Kaerimasen! / Nidoto Ie Ni Wa Kaerimasen! ~Shiitagerareteita Noni Ongaeshishiro Toka Muri Dakara~ / 二度と家には帰りません! / 二度と家には帰りません!~虐げられていたのに恩返ししろとかムリだから~
A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but It Doesn't Work
Jisatsu Shitai kedo Sore wa Chotto Kowai kara Yandere Kanojo wo Tsukutte Kanojo ni Koroshite Moraou to Suru kedo Nakanaka Umakuikanai Hanashi / 自殺したいけどそれはちょっと怖いからヤンデレ彼女を作って彼女に殺してもらおうとするけどなかなかうまくいかない話
13A Girl Who Thinks "I'm the support role"
「私はサポート役だから」とか思ってる系女子 / "Watashi wa sapouto-yakudakara" toka omotteru kei joshi / A girl who thinks "I'm the support role" / When the wingman is actually the target
yanagida fumita
Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure!
Eu vou fazer de você uma Otaku, então, faça de mim um Riajuu! / I'll Make You into an Otaku, so make Me into a Riajuu! / เปลี่ยนผมเป็นคนธรรมดาที คุณว่าที่โอตาคุ / おまえをオタクにしてやるから、俺をリア充にしてくれ! / 널 오타쿠로 만들어줄 테니까 날 리얼충으로 만들어줘!
Murakami Rin / Aoki Mutsumi
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Parody
Koi wa Misoji wo Sugite kara
恋は三十路をすぎてから / Koi wa Misoji o Sugite kara, Love is For Those Over 30, Boku ga Seifuku ni Kigaetara, Ohikkoshi Bugi
Young King OURs GH / Ryuta Amazume / 甘詰 留太 / Ryuuta Amadume / Ryuuta Amazume / A・浪漫・我慢 / A Roman Gaman / Eromangaman
Ore no Pantsu ga Nerawareteita.
俺のぱんつが狙われていた。 / My Pantsu are Being Targeted., OrePan
Dengeki Daioh / Okara Miyama / 深山 おから
School Girl's Real Love
ハチマキラブレター, Shikametsura ni Kiss, Suki na Hito Totte Quiz, しかめっつらにキス, 好きな人当てクイズ, Suki na Hito Ate Quiz, Hachimaki Love Letter Chapters Suki na Hito Totte Quiz - Ria Sakura 4 hours ago Shikametsura ni Kiss - Rukana 4 hours ago Hachimaki Love Letter - Aki Iwai January 25, 2018 Similar Manga Konyaku 0-nichi Ten wa Doudesuka Eringo Completed, 1 chapters Harumachi Zakura no Mau Koro ni Miu Morishita Completed, 1 chapters Sakura no Kimi Miyuki Yamaguchi Completed, 1 chapters Ouji na Kare wa Yasashik
Iwai Aki / Rukana / R.m-San / Ria Sakura
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
My Senpai's Voice Is Too Soft So I Tried Wearing A Hearing Aid, It Unexpectedly Made Me Went To Heaven
Senpai no Koe ga Chiisa Sugirunode Hochouki o Tsukete Mitara, Itsunomanika Ore ni Shinuhodo Derete Ita Hanashi / 先輩の声が小さすぎるので補聴器をつけてみたら、いつの間にか俺に死ぬほどデレていた話 / 前辈的声音太小只能戴上助听器,无意间听到能让我升天的内容
tanaka doriru / kfr
2She doesn't know why she lives.
なんで生きてるかわからない人 和泉澄25歳 / Nande Ikiteru ka Wakaranai Hito Izumi Sumi 25-sai
Web Comic Zenyon / Anu / あぬ / Tatantotaruto / たたんとたると
Hamefura x Arte
Bakarina x Arte / Hamehura x Arte / My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! x Arte / Noble Daughter Alliance / Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... x Arte / はめふら✕アルテ / 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった...✕アルテ / 貴族令嬢同盟
Comedy,Cooking,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life,Isekai
Tsukiatteta Koro Kara Chittomo Kawaranai Fuufu no Hanashi
The story of a couple who hasn't changed since their dating days. / Супруги, которые не изменились с момента первой встречи. / 付き合ってた頃からちっとも変わらない夫婦の話。
mikuni mizuki
Danjo Futari de no Zangyou wa 7-wari Sex Shiteru kara
70% of Overtime Workers Will Have Sex / 俺とのフラグをへし折んな! / 男女2人での残業は、7割セックスしてるから
Takenaka Yukari
Imouto ni Konyakusha wo Yuzure to Iwaremashita: Saikyou no Ryuu ni Kiniirarete Masaka no Oukoku Nottori?
妹に婚約者を譲れと言われました 最強の竜に気に入られてまさかの王国乗っ取り? / I was Told to Relinquish My Fiance to My Little Sister, and the Greatest Dragon Took a Liking to Me and Unbelievably Took Over the Country
B's-LOG Comic / Ten Kashiwa / 柏 てん / hi8mugi / Hiyamugi / ヒヤムギ
A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but After 100 days, I Somehow Got ○○
Although I Want to Kill Myself, I Find It a Bit Scary So I Got Myself a Yandere Girlfriend to Kill Me, but Somehow, I Got ○○ After 100 Days / Jisatsu Shitai kedo Sore wa Chotto Kowai kara Yandere Kanojo wo Tsukutte Kanojo ni Koroshite Moraou to Suru kedo 100 Nichigo ni Naze ka ○○ Sareru Hanashi / 自殺したいけどそれはちょっと怖いからヤンデレ彼女を作って彼女に殺してもらおうとするけど100日後になぜか○○される話
2Ayashii Tsubo Kattara, Naka kara Bishoujo ga Detekita Hanashi
I Bought Suspicious Vase, and Beautiful Girl Appeared / 怪しい壺買ったら、中から美少女が出てきた
neda hirofumi
1You Will Not Seriously?
だって遊びでしょ? / Datte Asobi desho? / Jitsu wa Honki desho?, Suki ni Nattara Sono Ato wa, Suki ni Nattara Sorebakari, Unforgettable, Have We Really Come This Far?
Karari Shishito / 志々藤 からり / GUSH pêche
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Romance,Slice of Life