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What's Got Her Smiling Like That?
Thank You For Making Me Smile / 笑わせてくれてありがとう / 웃게 해 줘서 고마워
Cho You Rock
Dakedo Kurasedo "suki" Ga Ienai
Dakedo Kurasedo "Suki" ga Ienai / Despite Their Feelings They Can't Say The Words "I Love You" / 做與不做,愛意難言 / 抱けど暮らせど「好き」が言えない
Saite Kei
The Devil-Branded Lady And The Angelic Prince
Akuma to Utomareta Watashi wa / Akuma to Utomareta Watashi wa, Tenshi no You na Ouji no Kimochi ga Wakarimasen. / I Am Shunned as a Demon, so I Don't Understand the Feelings of an Angelic Prince / Tenshi no You na Ouji no Kimochi ga Wakarimasen. / The Devil-branded Lady and the Angelic Prince / 악마라 오해 받아 / 악마라 오해 받아, 천사 왕자님의 마음을 모르겠습니다 / 천사 왕자님의 마음을 모르겠습니다 / 悪魔と疎まれた私は、天使のような王子の気持ちがわかりません。
Ouse Mei / Ousemei
Tou Tiao Dou Shi Ta
He Is Always the Hot Topic / He owns the headlines / Headlines Are All Him / The headlines are all about him / top news king / Tou Tiao Dou Shi Ta / Trang nhất toàn là hắn / トップニュースキング / 头条都是他
You Ling / You.ling
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Slice of Life
Ore Ga Yokujo Suruno Ha Kimi No Sei Hitomebore No Chiaisho 120% Etchi
It's Your Fault That I Desire You So Much. After Falling in Love at First Sight / Sex Makes It Clear We're 120% Compatible / Ore ga Yokujou suru no wa Kimi no Sei. Hitomebore Nochi / Aishou 120% Ecchi / 俺が欲情するのはキミのせい。一目惚れのち、相性120%エッチ
Nagumo Juri
Kakusei Shitara Sekai Saikyou no Madou Renseishi deshita
When he awakens, he becomes the world's strongest magical alchemist - with powers that surpass even alchemy and healing, he can obtain everything. / 覚醒したら世界最強の魔導錬成師でした~錬金術や治癒をも凌駕する力ですべてを手に入れる~