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Oishii Ayakashi
美味しい妖 / Delicious Ayakashi
Gangan Online / Otousan / おとうさん / 徒々野 雫 / Shizuku Totono / Roseline
🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life,Supernatural
The Ash Salmon Quenches The Beast Monarch’S Desire
The Wolf's Lair / the Gray Salmon / The Young Domestic Slave To The Tyrant / The Captive Lady Tames the Absolute Monarch / La Joven Esclava Doméstica Al Tirano / 囚われ令嬢は絶対君主を手なずけ てしまった / The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch's Desire / Le saumon argenté et le loup affamé / The Wolf's Lair, the Gray Salmon / 囚われ令嬢は絶対君主を手なずけてしまった / 늑대 소굴, 회색 연어
Roseline (Ii) / Katabami