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“I can't promise to be with you for the rest of my life. nevertheless, I'm craving for you”.
The only woman who makes heilang's indifferent and insensitive heart was move with emotions. his world began to change due to the cunning and innocent person.

In a not so far away future, all forms of entertainment in Japan have become fully digitised. The people have even totally accepted the world as it is now without even thinking much of it.
Nonaka Fujio was also one of them. That is until he met a girl with a doll-like appearance who possesses an Aurora Blonde and that's when the cogs of his life began to turn. Just what will Fujio stand to gain now that he has started to think and make decisions for himself?
В ближайшем будущем в Японии все виды развлечений переведены в цифровой формат, и люди просто наслаждаются миром, который им предоставлен, не задумываясь. Но когда Фудзио встречает похожую на куклу девочку со светлыми волосами цвета авроры, его жизнь начинает медленно меняться. Что получит Фудзио, если будет думать и действовать самостоятельно?

1-3) Somehow Good Smell
Konishi's colleague Nagumo is a first rate slob, unable to keep himself or his surroundings clean at all. But for some inexplicable reason, the scent of Nagumo's body makes Konishi feel relaxed and safe. Is it just a scent fetish or…?
4-5) Not Loveiy*
Michiya is always getting in fights at school because he wants to get stronger to protect his beloved neighbor Natsuki. Natsuki has suffered from asthma attacks since Michiya was little, but now he's an elite saleryman…
*lol this isn't a typo, this is the English title that the mangaka wrote

On his way home from school, Minoru discovers his older brother, Yoshino, making out with his male gym teacher! To confuse the matter even more, he also notices his brother's best friend, Seto, shooting longing glances at Yoshino! And for some reason, that revelation makes Minoru's chest hurt. Could what he's feeling actually be love?!

Popular phys-ed teacher Toshimitsu Sugaya has been given the assignment of keeping an eye on a gang of thugs in the school, particularly their leader Tatsumi Yoshino, the "Devil of Nami High." However, he soon finds out that not only is Yoshino a decent guy, but he's been idolizing Sugaya for over a year! It doesn't take long for Yoshino to win over the reluctant teacher and the two start a secret love affair. Can a teacher/student relationship really work and how long can these two hide their secret?
Sugaya, po niemałych przeprawach, otrzymał wymarzoną posadę nauczyciela. Nie jest ona jednak tak ekscytująca, jak się spodziewał. Pewnego dnia dostaje polecenie, by "zdyscyplinować" grupę niepokornych licealistów, których przywódcą jest sam "Diabeł z Liceum Nami". Czy spotkanie z chłopakiem powszechnie uznanym za przedstawiciela piekła odmieni jego nudne życie?

Akimoto has just started his high school career at Miya High and he is burning with enthusiasm. Not because he's in the springtime of his youth, or because he has his eyes set on some beautiful upperclassman; rather, Akimoto is overjoyed to finally be able to meet his long time Judo idol Saitou! Akimoto has watched Saitou ever since his middle school days, but the real Saitou isn't matching up to the Saitou of Akimoto's dreams. Foul-mouthed, with a bad attitude and a superiority complex, Saitou decided to use Akimoto's admiration against him and turn him into his slave.
But Saitou has a deep, dark secret that he is hiding from his kouhai. Will Akimoto still look up to Saitou when it is revealed? Join Akimoto, Saitou and the rest of the Miya Judo team in this charming tale of high school love between senpai and kouhai.
Historia 1: Dla Akimoto, Saitou - zwycięzca turnieju judo - był bohaterem. Chcąc być bliżej niego postanawia rozpocząć naukę w tym samym liceum. Niestety, gdy w końcu udaje mu się dopiąć swego i dołączyć do szkolnego klubu judo, okazuje się, że Saitou nie jest taki, jak Akimoto to sobie wyobrażał.
Historia 2: Gdy Taka był młodszy, on i jego kuzyn Yashirou byli ze sobą bardzo blisko. Kiedy jednak Taka zmienił miejsce zamieszkania, ich kontakt urwał się na wiele lat. Teraz Yashirou niespodziewanie zjawia się ponownie w życiu Taki. Co z tego wyniknie?

A boy wakes up in a strange room and finds a girl passed out with him. They find out they both have weird collars on. The boy has a phone which seems to be connected to the people behind this. They want them to do what!?

The Demon Lord and his right hand started living together with different objectives in mind — and unexpectely, they slowly develop feelings for each other. However, the Crystal is hiding an unimaginable secret…

Based off Claudia Gray's Princess of Alderaan, so I'm gonna use that book's summary:
It is Leia Organa's sixteenth birthday and she participates in the traditional ceremony where she declares her intention to one day take the throne of Alderaan. But she's much more concerned about the way her parents are acting lately: lots of meetings and late dinners and not talking to her as much as they used to. Eventually she discovers the reason for their secrecy: their involvement in the increasingly organized rebellion. When Leia decides to become involved herself in the fight against the Empire, whether her parents approve or not, she will have to prove to them that she is a valuable asset who must be allowed to take a stand, regardless of the risk to herself. Her stand will also put her at odds with a pacifist young Alderaanian man who gives Leia her first kiss…and her first real loss.

Drama fanatic Noeun takes time off from school to work part-time at a convenience store. Noeun, who constantly fantasizes about romance in dramas, happens to come across a package vacation deal from a travel agency. He decides to leave for Paris in order to find his destiny. There, he ends up meeting his appointed partner for the trip, the rich and handsome “Rolex.” Although he’s great a sex, he’s rich, and he’s very affectionate, Rolex seems somewhat suspicious. What secret is he hiding?
- **Note:**
Part of Bomtoon Short Story [
휴학 후 편의점 아르바이트를 하던 드라마광 노은. 드라마같은 사랑을 꿈꾸던 노은은 우연히 여행사의 패키지 상품을 보게 되고 자신의 운명을 찾으러 파리로 떠나게 된다. 그곳에서 돈 많고 잘생긴 노은의 파트너 '롤렉스'를 만나게 된다. 섹스 잘하고 돈 많고 다정하지만, 어딘지 수상한 '롤렉스'의 비밀은?
- **Note:**
Part of Bomtoon Short Story [

The Manhua is loosely inspired by Soulcalibur 1 but changes the setting to a fictional SciFi one as opposed to one based on actual history. The biggest change is the story is focused around Hwang with Kilik acting as a supporting character.
Маньхуа пересказывал события первой части, но с Хваном в главной роли и в сеттинге с элементами научной фантастики.

My king, why did you stab me with a sword? If you do it again, will my knights guard me until the end? Even if I were the princess who was cursed by God.
Original Webtoon:
ACQQ, Bilibili

System: “Your goal is to become the most prestigious woman in the kingdom (the Queen)!”
Jiang Pengji: “Okay, System. No problem!”
Years later, she met the target by becoming the most prestigious woman (the Empress).
Jiang Pengji: “Well done, no?”

1-3) Air Koi
Nina has one sided feelings for Hayashino Senpai. Nina is unable to see Senpai until she clears the game that Senpai provided. That it's find and take the exact pictures that were e-mailed to her. But Taro from the same class was assisting her And realized how odd this game is and…?!
A Painful dramatic love story!
4) Lost in a First Love
5) Love Materializes
[Cap 1-3] Nina tem sentimentos pelo Hayashino Senpai. Mas ela é incapaz de ver o Senpai até que ela acabe o jogo que o Senpai fez... Isso é... encontrar e tirar as fotos exatas que foram enviadas para o e-mail dela. Mas Taro da mesma classe que ela foi ajudá-la e percebeu quão estranho este jogo era...?!
Uma dramática história de amor doloroso!
One-shots incluídos:
[Cap 4] Lost in a First Love(Perdida em seu Primeiro Amor)
[Cap 5] Love Materializes(Love * Realize)

Author's Twitter:

In the 19th century empire after the war, rose "mechanical boxing" which involved people who had had their bodies modified. Under his uncle's tutolage, Levius, a lonely youth who lost his father in the war and whose mother is in a coma, enters the mechanical boxing scene…
**Note:** This manga is read left to right.
Levius is being published
- In english by VIZ Media
- In french by (
- In italian by [Star Comics](
É o século 19, o mundo entrou na Era do Renascimento e se recupera das chamas devastadoras da guerra. O esporte das Artes Marciais Mecânicas agita as nações. Os combatentes mecanicamente aprimorados transformam seus sangues em vapor e seus corpos em brutais máquinas de combate.
Levius, quando garoto, cruzou o inferno da guerra. Seu pai revolucionário morreu, sua mãe entrou em coma e seu braço foi perdido em uma tentativa de protegê-la. Então, este braço foi substituído por uma prótese médica metálica e seu tio Zack o acolheu. O garoto - ainda com cicatrizes em sua alma - se interessou pelas Artes Marciais Mecânicas e com a ajuda de seu tio entrou no mundo desse esporte brutal.

The Dragon Lord has nine sons and each of their personalities are totally different, the elegant young dragon princes were overly energetic, not only did they refuse to work diligently but also caused trouble everywhere they went; hence, complete and utter pandemonium had befallen on the Dragon God Island. This was an ill-befitting image of the Lord. The Dragon Lord was enraged by his nine sons and could no longer take it; thus, he banished them to the mortal realm to practice and train themselves, expecting them to grow up…… or maybe not?

Two immature girls who don't know how to make up after a fight
Author's Twitter:

The lonely soldier, Bo Meishu, is a member of the squadron who protects the sea god. One day, an encounter with Xiuli, who fell from the sky, happens. Xiuli, who suffers from memory loss, had the same exact face as Meishu's secret love, but it isn't him. While more disasters occur, Xiuli starts to remember things and not only does he make Meishu feel emotions she has never felt before, but he also brings her a cruel future...

Right before Gao Zhang died, he regretted a lot of things. The one he regretted the most was abandoning his puppy. After being reborn, he decided that he was going to protect Da Huang, his new puppy. Turns out, Da Huang is a descendant of the Dog God! One of the great benefits of being a dog god descendant is cultivation! But the Dog God's practice cannot be passed on to outsiders. If you want to cultivate, you must be married to a descendant first.

Yun Weinuan was cheated and killed by her boyfriend and best friend in her last life. As every story goes, she got another life and sweared to revenge those who wronged her. But her baby in the last life won't come back anymore. So she comes up with an idea, that is, to find a handsome man, sleep with him, and get pregnant. She clearly didn't expected that this man will be so furious after she runs away…
Reborn Queen's Revenge / Rebirth of the Scum Queen,重生之虐渣女王

SelePro-chan! is a comedy/slice of life 4koma manga featuring the cast of KADOKAWA x Doga Kobo's anime original Idol x Audition x Reality Show SELECTION PROJECT!

Kasumi is a cheerful girl and is loved by all her classmates, but she hides a secret: a butterfly-shaped birthmark on her ankle. Naoshi, a gloomy and lonely boy, and Kasumi's childhood friend, is the only one who knows this secret, but the two have not spoken for several years. Kasumi wants to be Naoshi's friend again, but he avoids her… Why?
Kasumi é uma garota alegre e amada por todos seus colegas, mas ela esconde um segredo: uma marca de nascença em forma de borboleta em seu tornozelo. Naoshi é um cara sombrio e solitário, e é o único que sabe de seu segredo, além de ser o amigo de infância de Kasumi. Mas os dois não se falavam há muitos anos. Kasumi quer ser amiga de Naoshi de novo, mas ele a evita… Por quê?

Anthology of Sasaki's surreal stories that were published in Garo.

Fight poison with poison! Risa Aioi is a detective with a most unusual prediliction. Her investigative techniques verge on the criminal, pushing viscious criminals to turn themselves in! Ultra irregular! A unique take on the crime-suspense genre!
Популярная женщина-знаменитость убита! Расследование приводит к подозрительной женщине, следующей целью которой может стать знаменитый актер Тагаме. Каковы могут быть мотивы подозреваемого? Детективы-близнецы идут по следу подозреваемого, но потом... Уникальный взгляд на жанр криминального саспенса!

Middle-school first-year student Matsuri Hinoya loves festivals, and she dreams of one day being able to star in "PriMagi," a magic-like form of stage entertainment borne from song, dance and fashion. That day arrives when the hyper-spirited, trouble-making magician Myamu arrives from the magical realm and scouts Matsuri for PriMagi. Together, the two compete with rivals to rise to the top of PriMagi.

A lonely lion falls in love with a kind human girl and asks a witch to grant his wish to become human. But, will the lion lose everything, or find true love?
Em uma floresta muito distante, um leão se apaixonou por uma jovem humana, e para que pudesse viver ao lado dela, ele pediu para que a bruxa o transformasse em um humano. Mas o leão irá perder tudo por esse amor, ou encontrará o amor verdadeiro?