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Girls, guns, and grenades! Meet Rally Vincent and Minnie May. By day, they work at the Chicago gun shop that they own. By night (or holidays or week-ends), they moonlight as a pair of bounty hunters called the Gunsmith Cats. Rally is an expert at firearms, being able to judge the condition of a gun with a glance, and being an expert marksman. Minnie May is younger and less disciplined; and has an absolute fascination with explosives. Lots of explosives. Especially big ones. Together, they form an unbeatable team; much to the consternation of the local ATF bureau. Set in the city of Chicago, this action-adventure series features a lot of gunfights, car chases, and general mayhem.

The story focuses around the Royal Paladin units, and the first arc that started alongside this game. With a shadow approaching United Sanctuary, the proud swordsmen will be able to protect the kingdom!?

The god 'Lord God who has been protecting the Eunhos family since
ancient times. Wanting a special gift, he points to 'Eun-ho as a tribute,
and Eun-ho begins a dangerous cohabitation.
To the Lamb, who is still unfamilar with everything the divine spirit
slowly and slowly. He handed me a rope saying it would be fun.
"Don't tell me about paradise"
What is the fate of Eun-ho who was chosen as a BDSM partner?
예부터 은호네 가문을 지켜주던 신령 ‘주 신’. 특별한 선물을 원했던 그는 공물로 ‘은호’를 지목하고 은호는 덜컥 위험한 동거를 시작한다.
아직 모든 상황이 낯설기만 한 어린 양에게 신령님은 천.천.히. 즐겨보면 된다며 밧줄을 건네는데…
“극락을 알려주마”
BDSM 파트너로 간택 받은 은호의 운명은?

Kagami and Shingo are a passionate couple. Is their mutual attraction strong enough to survive some misunderstandings? Will the bond between them grow stronger or will the relationship break apart?
“Wѕzуѕtkо со dоbrе ѕzуbkо ѕіę kоńсzу” – tаk brzmі mоttо żусіоwе Ѕhіngо. Zаwѕzе ѕіę ѕрrаwdzаłо, wіęс dlасzеgо tеrаz mіаłоbу bуć іnасzеј? Каgаmі роd wрłуwеm іmрulѕu ѕtаrа ѕіę rоzwіаć оbаwу ѕwојеgо kосhаnkа w dоść nіеtуроwу ѕроѕób… Аlе nіеtуроwу nіе zаwѕzе оznасzа dоbrу.

I suddenly became a couple with my childhood friend one day?! Two model students 'Yoon Sae' and 'Kim Jaeha' have created an alliance in order to reassure their controlling parents and live freely. To avoid getting caught, they start a fake relationship!
소꿉친구와 하루아침에 커플이 되었다?!통제가 강한 부모님들을 안심 시키고 자유롭게 생활하기 위해 동맹을 맺은 두 모범생 ‘윤세이’와 ‘김재하’.동맹을 들킬 위기를 모면하기 위한 두 사람의 가짜 커플 행세가 시작된다!

Manhwa which is taken from the story of the Trojan War and the Greek Union (Sparta), the characters, ages, and backgrounds of the characters that appear in this comic are different from the original myth.
Paris, to whom do you give this golden apple? quickly say…”
A choice once made can never be taken back. But if given the opportunity to choose again…?
Manhwa yang diambil dari kisah peperangan troya dan serikat yunani (sparta), karakter, usia, dan latar belakang tokoh-tokoh yang tampil dalam komik ini berbeda dari mitos aslinya.
“Wahai pemuda paris, kepada siapa engkau berikan apel emas ini? cepat katakanlah…”
Sebuah pilihan sekali dibuat tidak akan pernah bisa diambil kembali. Tapi jika diberi kesempatan untuk memilih lagi…?

Ban x Ginji i urodziny.

Shuuhei is an endlessly enthusiastic pizza deliveryman with almost no ambitions or skills, and he's determined to date Hitomi, a classmate back from high school who made the mistake of kissing him once. When he asks her what she likes in a man, one of the things she mentions was the ability to play a musical instrument. In response, he decides to learn to play the trumpet. But learning about the trumpet and jazz music is going to change his life in more ways than he imagined.
Shuuhei é um entusiasta motoboy de pizza que quase não tem ambições ou habilidades, e ele está determinado a namorar com Hitomi, sua colega de classe da escola que cometeu o erro de o beijar uma vez. Quando ele pergunta para ela do que ela gosta em um homem, uma das coisas que ela mencionou fora a habilidade de tocar um instrumento musical. Em resposta, ele decide aprender a tocar o trompete. Mas aprender sobre o trompete e a música do Jazz mudará completamente sua vida de mais formas que ele imagina.

A young boy goes on a date to the beach with his senpai.
A full-color, eight-page oneshot of an adolescent love story!!

Special Oneshot published on September 12, 2020 instead of a *[Mato Seihei no Slave](* chapter

(From Solstice Translations) The independent and rational urban beauty, Yao Yufu, found a pretend boyfriend to get her parents to stop pestering her to get married. But her pretend boyfriend, Li Weichen, turned out to be her “cooperative dating partner” from her school days! Li Weichen, who felt he was “ruthlessly used” by Yao Yufu back then, was not satisfied with her “cooperative attitude” and acted against her plans at every turn. How will the “deception” of this pretend couple turn out?

Sarashina Tsumugi is a new transfer student who is thrilled to finally be able to go to the school her mother graduated from. It's still summer break, but Tsumugi arrives at the school early for an assembly.
Almost immediately after setting foot on campus, she encounters two guys and a girl arguing apparently fighting over a ring. The girl is trying to break up the argument, but her actions don’t help much. In the scuffle, the ring goes flying through the air and lands down Tsumugi’s uniform blouse! One of the guys pounces on Tsumugi, tearing her blouse open while chasing after the ring!
Shocked and horrified, Tsumugi slaps him and desperately tries to cover herself. What is wrong with the people at this school! Anger immediately sets in, and she yells at both guys, reprimanding them for their actions. Her anger is so fierce, that they immediately apologize.
Tsumugi learns that these guys are cousins: Ibara Chitose and Ibara Hajime. Although Tsumugi has a bad impression of them, it turns out that Hajime and Chitose are extremely popular. They are even related to the school superintendent and currently serve as co-vice presidents of the student council! And what's this being super close? After the scene earlier she knows they are nothing but liars: they didn’t get along AT ALL!
After finally reaching the morning assembly, she hears her name being called. Ibara Chitose, looking rather smug, has just declared that Tsumugi is their endorsed candidate for the next Student Council President! What will become of her peaceful school life!?

Having nothing better to do, Asia’s champion decided to carry a girl in the game. With great difficulty, he finally convinced the girl he carried to turn on her mic, only to discover that the other party was actually a boy?!
This online love affair that had ended before it even began was tossed away to the back of the champion’s mind. Unexpectedly, when his club went to train in another city, they encountered a mishap and had a small conflict with another team.
When the other team’s vice captain showed up, the champion was so moved that he started doubting life, but as soon as the other opened his mouth, it turned out that this was the “girl” that he had personally carried with his own hands that day.
Does love at first sight exist in e-sports? It does.

Original Webcomic

A 6 page short and full colour oneshot which shows the fun of paper planes at school.
Nesta pequena história, totalmente colorida, algumas meninas brincam com aviões de papel na escola.

A oneshot about a boy who will do anything to impress a girl that he likes. What he wants is a kiss from her, but will he get one?
Uma one-shot sobre um garoto que fará qualquer coisa para impressionar uma garota de quem gosta. O que ele quer é um beijo dela, mas ele irá obter um?

Having just started high school, Riku's set on making this an experience he'll never forget. He notices though, that for Wakamura, a quiet girl who is always listening to the radio during the breaks, her idea of a high school experience is a bit different. Can he open up her heart and make her realize there's more to life than spending her time alone?
Tendo começado ensino médio, Riku define como meta fazer essa experiência inesquecivel. Porém ele observa que para Wakamura, uma menina tranquila, que está sempre ouvindo o rádio durante os intervalos, a sua ideia de uma experiência de ensino médio é um pouco diferente. Ele conseguirá abrir seu coração e fazê-la perceber que há mais vida do que passar o seu tempo sozinha?

How does a washed-out, child genius actor confront his fears? Faced with the fear of never surpassing the acting of his greatest nemesis, he idles away while his childhood mentor and director recovers in a hospital. For five years, he sits idly, wondering what it takes to be a good actor. That is, until the day he met her…
Como alguém que já foi um ator infantil considerado gênio confronta seus medos? Levando em consideração a asenção cada vez maior de seu "rival", enquanto ele fica estagnado, epserando a recuperação de seu mentor que se encontra no hospital... Passados alguns anos, ele fica à toa, pensando nas últimas palavras de seu mentor sobre o que seria preciso para ser um bom ator, até que conhece...

A oneshot about the beginnings of the Japanese pop duo WaT. Told from the point of view of Teppei Koike.
Uma One-Shot que conta como foi o ínicio da dupla pop japonesa WaT. Contada sob o ponto de vista de um dos integrantes: Teppei Koike

Rittlecir has a revelation at his mandatory day job.
[Reads Right-to-Left]
An entry for the internationally-held 100th Tezuka Manga Award contest.
It was later re-touched, flipped, re-typeset, and incorporated into the [author's webcomic]( in that state as its fifth and sixth chapters.

I am the Dark Lord. The one who united the demons. One who wields limitless power and might. The one who has had enough of it all.
These people have attacked our lands again!
For a hundred years now.... vile players have attacked our hellish lands, mercilessly plundering and killing peaceful demons.
Today I will become human, infiltrate the ranks of humanity and destroy their rotten system from within... while these players think I'm one of them.
Я - Темный повелитель. Тот, кто объединил демонов. Тот, кто обладает бесконечной властью и силой. Тот, кому все это надоело.
Эти люди в очередной раз напали на наши земли!
Вот уже сотню лет…. Мерзкие игроки атакуют наши адские земли, беспощадно грабя и убивая мирных демонов.
Внесите ЭТО!
Сегодня я стану человеком, проберусь в ряды человечества и уничтожу их прогнившую систему изнутри... пока эти игроки думают, что я один из них.

At well-known University 985, there's 320 dorm. Because the four people in the dormitory have different personalities but all look very handsome, they are known as 320F4. Here is their little story.

"She appears when he starts masturbating".
Shirahama Honami is a 22 old virgin. The goal of him who has never even masturbated before is to jerk off to his coworker Sakurai-san. However, his good intention is interrupted by the sudden appearance of Shinri, who claims to be his guardian deity. Whenever Honami tries to masturbate, Shinri materializes out of nowhere and Honami gets played by her.
Will he be able to masturbate, or even find his way to sex--?
【オナニーを始めると出現します。】22歳にして童貞の白浜 帆南(しらはま ほなみ)。マスターベーションもしたことがない彼の目標は、同僚の桜井(さくらい)さんをオカズにして最後まで達すること。しかし、突然現れた自分の守護神だというシンリーに良いところを邪魔されてしまう。自慰をしようとするとなぜか実体化するシンリーに振り回される帆南。果たして彼は、オナニーはおろかセックスまで辿り着けるのか――!?

For average girls, high school is a time of insecurity, of finding yourself and railing against your imperfections. In one particular high school, five average, unpopular girls take life one day at a time, learning as they go, and stumbling as they try to find their footing.
A 1-volume manga.
哪怕终有一日,我会忘记这段日子,魔法的话语也会让我继续生活下去。 《公主小屋》的作者所讲述的,生活在地方城市的女高中生们既悲伤又可爱的青春群像剧。 对于平凡朴素的女孩子们而言,人生是如此严峻。但有时,朋友的话语也会变成点亮一生的魔法。 这本系列故事集,描绘了那饱含苦涩和温柔,令人目眩的青春。

On the very first day he gets promoted, Gu Qingpei gets thrown the Chairman's son, who he was unable to raise well. Huh? He was supposed to 'babysit'? This irritable, overbearing army ruffian was always dramatically opposed to him. If he, Gu Qingpei, was unable to deal with this rough brat, how could he persuade the employees in his company? The days pass in anxiety with the open strife between the two. It's just that their relationship was developing in the opposite of what one would expect...

W czasie misji drużyny 7, Sasuke łapie przeziębienie. Podczas czuwania nad nim Naruto pyta się Kakashi'ego o przeziębienie i jak jego przyjaciel mógł je złapać..

With no combat or magic skills, how can a commoner make money? Teacher Ariel’s money-making class has started, remember not to miss it ~
Tanpa keterampilan tempur atau sihir, bagaimana orang biasa bisa menghasilkan uang? Kelas menghasilkan uang dari guru Ariel telah dimulai, ingatlah untuk tidak melewatkannya~

His hobby is to shop and film unboxing videos. Seo Doha, who lives in the present with the YOLO lifestyle, is in danger after being kicked out of his house in the middle of winter. Doha’s underclassman from college shows him a home-share + cafe called “HOME 5.” Seeing no reason to refuse, Doha immediately signs the contract. It’s only after signing the contract that Doha reads the name written on the contract.
“Oh…Siwoon?” Why is he here?! This is the story of my first love and our future cohabitation!

Not knowing better, she made a rash decision to sleep with a stranger she had just met there…

Shushu is enrolling in the prestigious Monster Academy in order to become a wolfman like her father. There's just one problem: Shushu isn't a man!

A Rika x Satoko doujin.

A wholesome Kasumi x Shizuku doujin by Tachi.

An anthology of short stories by Sashimi Akai.

A Noriko x Shimako comedy doujin.

Originally released in November 22nd. This date in Japan is ‘the nice couple day’, or precisely ‘the nice married couple day’. Because 11.22 can be pronounced ‘yoi fufu’ which means ‘good married couple’.
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Kuzu no Honkai Décor is both a spin-off and a sequel to the original Kuzu no Honkai manga focusing on Hanabi after the events of the original series.
This spinoff will ship in a compiled book volume as the ninth volume of Yokoyari's Scum's Wish manga.