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【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】
“I'm... I'm a pakuri to my super handsome crush...?!”
Liking Kanghyun's artwork so much, Jiun became his pakuri(someone who copies another's artwork). One day, Jiun is shocked to be told by a friend that he's just a mere pakuri. Over his distraught guilt, he decides to meet with Kanghyun to apologize. But instead... Jiun becomes Kanghyun's assistant?!

【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】
Fated out of necessity, he and she met.
He is a desert. A vicious animal. Above all else, he is the noble but unrecognized successor to the Sultan.
He has owned her for one year. And now he moves to own her for the rest of her life.
“Friedrich Dürrenmatt once said, 'It is only in love and murder that we still remain sincere.' Since you are alive, am I in love with you?” -the man who stopped hiding, Ashan
“Well, that's some confession. But the contract never said anything about spending the night together.” -The girl running away, Seoyoon.
***The [The Dictator] was created based on the original story [The Dictator] by Rossi.***

Pairing: Murasakibara x Himuro
Murasakibara is having a hard time to get out of his bed, on a snowy day...

Anthology of various yuri oneshots by Sal Jiang

Pairing: Russia x America

Pairing : France x Spain

Pairing : Spain x France

A special oneshot which serves as a sequel to the original Hameln no Violin Hiki manga series and as a prequel to the new series Hameln no Violin Hiki - Shchelkunchik.

Sinbad x Ja'far pairing.

One day, while he was bearing the boredom by passing fictional stories as real for his blog, a new PE teacher came to the school like a comet...
But when he first met this PE teacher, he was known for being a gay playboy in college..!!
Then, at some point, he starts hovering around Taeha...
Original Webtoon:
MrBlue, Lezhin
Official Translation:

In an abandoned Tokyo filled with bubbles and gravitational anomalies, a gifted young man meets a mysterious girl. - Annotation from Anime
В заброшенном Токио, наполненном пузырями и гравитационными аномалиями, одаренный молодой человек встречается с таинственной девушкой. - Аннотация из Аниме

"Dani, you don't have to go back if you don't want to. Just tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there."
If I could turn back the time, that's the moment I'll choose to go back to.
If I hadn't gone back that day, if... I had gone with Eunho...
Dani finds herself divorced and homeless and forces herself under Eunho's wing. Eunho turns a blind eye and lets her do as she pleases.
What will happen to these two?
【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】

It begins with the titular "A Knife-Edge Girl" a story about two friends with completely different approaches to life.
Also includes "Graffiti," in which two women who use the same desk at different times of the day communicate in drawings on the desk top. When they finally meet in real life - purely by accident - the attraction is instant on Kana's side…and maybe not on Rise's. Or maybe, it is.
In "Torte Fromage" Miwa's boring OL life is suddenly thrown into glamour and excitement when she meets avant garde actress Nakae-san.

Hilarious manhua (Taiwanese manga) about a girl to whom money means everything.
Dahasu Zuhn's father has just gotten into debt and now his son, Dahasu Zuhn, is in poverty. He meets a girl called Amei Jin who's super strong and has a reason to get money. Dahasu also attends the High School, Freedom High School where he can get in for free. He meets Jin at the school and learns that she needs money for a special reason. Now he is her slave because he owes her 20,000 yen. Whatever shall Zuhn do?
Avete 17 anni, fate parte di una famiglia ricca e avete tutto quello che volete, cellulari, carte di credito, auto, donne e tutti i maschi della vostra (costosissima) scuola vi invidiano. Cosa può succedere di male? Bhè, vostro padre viene imprigionato per frode e non vi lascia nemmeno un soldo, la vostra matrigna scappa all'estero con un altro uomo appena viene a sapere dell'accaduto, la servitù ruba tutti i vostri averi preziosi che avete in casa, nessuno dei vostri parenti vi vuole adottare per i debiti della vostra famiglia e vi ritrovate a donare sangue per avere del cibo, venite espulsi dalla vostra scuola e finite nella peggior scuola del paese dove si rischia la vita ogni giorno, non solo, ma diventate anche lo schiavetto della ragazza più terrificante e violenta che si sia mai vista! Questa è la situazione in cui si trova Dahsau Zuhn, scoprite come se la caverà!

Junku and Ai have been dating for 10 years and have lived together for 7 years. Surround the table together every day and have sex only on special days. Junku buys daily necessities at the end of work and enjoys his favorite food. The two of them spend the same daily life as usual, but in the 7th year of cohabitation, they have a slight sense of turmoil ...?

A boy went to take his trash out late one night, and found a strange, creepy, gothic-lolita-dressed woman sitting amongst the garbage bags. She asked if he had a little sister, and he answered her, hurrying afterwards back to his apartment. When he looked out the window, she was gone. Who is the strange woman, and why does she give him such a bad feeling?
Durante la notte un ragazzo esce a buttare la spazzatura e trova una strana, inquietante gotic-lolita seduta fra i sacchetti. La donna gli chiede se ha una sorella e lui le risponde per poi tornare in tutta fretta nel suo appartamento. Una volta dentro, subito guarda fuori dalla finestra, ma lei non c'era più. Chi è quella donna? E perché le trasmette queste sensazioni terribili?

When Ann takes a trip to settle her aunt's estate, she finds out that her aunt had a dark secret.

"The Moon" is a giant robot created by the millionaire Baron, spending 2.5 trillion yen (at that time). Baron stated that the god is dead and created Moon as a replacement, to serve as a new power to bring justice in world of evil. He entrusts the operation to boys with a pure heart, those who can find true justice, as he believes he isn't pure of heart.

Mr. Fu is so devious but why has he become attached to this girl who keeps so many secrets.
Original Webcomic: AC.QQ, BiliBili Manhua, KuaiKan Manhua, IQIYI
Official Translations: English (Webnovel), Korean

Maki is assigned to take pictures of μ's activities. When she checks the photos, she realizes that she has only taken pictures of Rin.
She secretly cuts out a picture of herself and Rin from a live performance and crafts it into a fake wedding photo.
Unfortunately for Maki, Rin discovers it.
Rin suggests that they have another photo session with only the first-years. Maki and Rin arrive to the clubroom before Hanayo, and tension begins to build between the two...!
A cute doujinshi where Maki becomes aware of her feelings towards Rin!

Original Webtoon
Official Translation:
English, Chinese

【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】
Sungsil Yoo, iconic for being “clueless” and “over-the-top” meets and flirts back and forth with Inwoo Jeong, a man whose never had it his own way. Inwoo heads the “Yurim Rehab Center”, and Sungsil is its rock-bottom employee, but it doesn't stop the quirky two from forming a relationship in this story.

【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】
Wonwoo quits being a child actor because of his parents' greed. But 20 years later, he picks up his acting career again with the recommendation of a director, but has a lot of complaints when it comes to working with the main lead Ha Seokyung, a former idol who has been casted soly on his good looks. One day, on his way back home after a shoot, Wonwoo runs into a fortune teller that gives him a paper that claimed to grant wishes. Wonwoo half-heartedly writes a wish when the Devil appears before him...

An unofficial compilation of oneshots / 4-komas by Cacomistle (カコミスル) in their twitter profile.Author's Twitter : [@p8HMIUHYW1KUF6c](

【Translation provided by the copyright owner.】
There's the beautiful yet mysterious writer Da-In Jung, and the newly-hired, diehard fanatic Hyunsoo Lee becomes her editor! But there's little time for glee, for as the writer's deadline approaches, she keeps ghosting him... and there isn't much time left! Ms. Jung, “The Manuscript, Please!”

This is a simple dialogue-less little story about a young girl and an inquisitive little feline friend.

Set several decades after the events in the popular Blood: The Last Vampire anime film, an amnesiac Saya Otonashi lives as a seemingly normal high school student with her adoptive family in Okinawa. Horrible nightmares are the only hints at the violent life she once led, but her past is about to catch up with her and awaken the merciless warrior within.
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