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Original Webcomic:
AC.QQ, BiliBili Manhua, KuaiKan Manhua, Mkzhan, Zymk
Official English Translation

Due to an incident from many years ago, Youngwan became a swimmer who has a phobia of water. After giving up swimming to live a normal college life, he met Sunwoo, an honor student majoring in piano who made an absurd request...

The Starfire Republic, located in the middle of the world, has made a breakthrough in new energy technologies that focus on nuclear fusion.This threatens the Federation of Armenia, which occupies traditional petrochemical energy sources and thereby controls the world economy.With the escalation of federal containment activities, Xiao Jianxun, a young naval officer who graduated from the Star and Fire Academy, is about to face this triggering war in 2047

a bunch of ugly guys who are interested in crossdressing, after trying they become really pretty
sekumpulan pria jelek yang tertarik dalam crossdressing, setelah mencoba justru nenjadi sangat cantik

Official Indonesian Translation

This series including fanfic short stories about the famous couple in Greek mythology- Hades and Persephone and some other couples as well.
Krótkie komiksy oparte na słynnej parze z mitologii greckiej: Hadesie i Persephonie. Ich miłość jest pełna romansu i komedii. Będą też inni bogowie i boginie. Ten komiks opowiada o życiu króla i królowej Zaświatów w mitologii greckiej. Od pierwszego spotkania, do momentu narodzenia dzieci. Będzie wiele zabawnych i słodkich chwil.

Series is the of various myths in Greek mythology. It is the extended world of “Hades and Persephone ficlets” series which will tell stories of other deities: gods, goddesses and titans.
Seria ta opowiada o różnych mitach greckich. Webtoon ten jest rozszerzeniem świata z serii "Hades and Persephone ficlets", który będzie opowiadał historie innych bóstw: bogów, bogiń i tytanów.

Blessed with brilliant beauty and abundant wealth; Lena used to be a prince of the fashionable society until an accident took everything away from her, leaving only ugly scar in her leg. Her husband despised the car and dumped her. "I never trust a man..." Since then, a smile has disappeared from her face and she has withdrawn and lived a quiet life. She never expects that her extremely sexy boss is determined to make her his own.
Błogosławiona wspaniałym pięknem i obfitym bogactwem - Leah była księżniczką modnego społeczeństwa, dopóki wypadek nie odebrał jej wszystkiego, pozostawiając tylko brzydką bliznę na jej nodze. Jej mąż gardził samochodem i ją porzucił. „Nigdy nie ufam mężczyźnie..." Od tego czasu uśmiech zniknął z jej twarzy, a sama zamknęła się w sobie i wiodła spokojne życie. Nigdy nie spodziewa się, że jej niezwykle seksowny szef jest zdeterminowany, by uczynić ją swoją.

A young mermaid, injured and lost, is captured by a ship. Instead of killing her as they would a siren, its handsome captain allows her to stay and protects her from the sea and his own crew until she can heal. As the days go on, the two are drawn together, but will their opposing worlds keep them apart?
Historia miłosna między kapitanem statku handlowego a zagubioną syreną.
W świecie, w którym człowiek wie tylko o krwiożerczych i dzikich syrenach, dość ekscentryczny kapitan odbył jedną ze swoich transakcji na morzu. Nagle on i jego załoga spotykają zagubioną, delikatną syrenę. Czy zabije ją ze względów bezpieczeństwa, czy pomoże jej odkryć więcej o sobie i zmierzy się z głęboko zakopaną przeszłością jego życia?

Money. Power. Fame. When a supernatural being knocks at your door and offers you three wishes to change your life, you're damn sure to choose one of those. Who wouldn't?
After accidentally summoning a demon in her kitchen, single mother Yuki Rin makes a wish that changes her life.
Kuros, an alpha Demon, standing awkwardly in a well-lit kitchen, has the worst luck of the century. He is bound to grant any three wishes Yuki demands. But he never imagined that he would be leaving the dungeons of the Hell to babysit her three-year-old son.
Not able to use black magic against her, he can only break this ridiculous contract by tasting her blood - with her consent. All he needs to do is seduce her, but that proves much more complicated than Kuros expects.
Pieniądze. Moc. Sława. Kiedy nadprzyrodzona istota puka do twoich drzwi i oferuje ci trzy życzenia, aby zmienić twoje życie, na pewno wybierzesz jedno z nich. Kto by tego nie chciał?
Po przypadkowym wezwaniu demona w swojej kuchni samotna matka Yuki Rin składa życzenie, które zmienia jej życie.
Kuros, demon alfa, stojący niezgrabnie w dobrze oświetlonej kuchni, ma największe szczęście stulecia. Jest zobowiązany spełnić każde z trzech życzeń, których zażąda Yuki. Ale nigdy nie wyobrażał sobie, że wyjdzie z lochów piekła, by opiekować się jej trzyletnim synem.
Nie będąc w stanie użyć przeciwko niej czarnej magii, może zerwać ten absurdalny kontrakt tylko poprzez skosztowanie jej krwi - za jej zgodą. Wszystko, co musi zrobić, to ją uwieść, ale okazuje się to o wiele bardziej skomplikowane, niż spodziewa się Kuros.

A love story between a princess and a "newbie" soldier.
Pewnego dnia lord Tran Hung Dao, wujek króla - jeden z największych komendantów armii narodowej, wrócił do domu z nowym żołnierzem, twierdząc, że będzie następnym kapitanem królewskiej straży.
Najwyraźniej większość jego poddanych nie była przekonana co do niego, w tym jego córka, która przebierała się za porucznika...

Official English Translation
Nothing is impossible with the system in my hands! I want the most beautiful woman! I want to be the most powerful person! I want to have the noblest of statuses! I aim to conquer everything under the sky!
(Source: MangaDex)

“It’s okay, I’m here.“
This is the journey of a prince with the strongest qualification to re-cultivate and become a king.
Original Webcomic
Official English Translation

Young Torres aims to become a paladin. One day, during his apprenticeship, he ushered in the final graduation assessment task: to go to his hometown to crusade the fallen murderous officers. But the martial artist Lian Yue from the far east came by halfway!
Torres muda bertujuan untuk menjadi seorang paladin. Suatu hari, selama masa magangnya, dia mengantar tugas penilaian kelulusan akhir: pergi ke kampung halamannya untuk berperang melawan para perwira pembunuh yang gugur. Tapi seniman bela diri Lian Yue dari timur jauh datang di tengah jalan!

Yi Zhe found the world to be meaningless and uninteresting until he met the only source of warmth in his life, Xu Tangcheng. He lived in his own world, as well as the world where only Tangcheng and him existed. He gave up on himself and sunk deeper into ecstasy. "All love stems from wakefulness, but that does not mean you won't lose yourself. Even if the road ahead is chaotic, having him by my side makes it worth it."

For what reason, do they continue to live? For what reason, do they continue to eat? They put on the most beautiful masks and commit the cruelest acts. White moon, Black snow, Withered maiden, Eternal blossom. Vicious X Evil, Tyrant X Unhinged, Maiden X Maiden, Hunter X Prey. This is a poem of self-reflection, or a stimulating speech for this numbing world...

Tens of thousands of big shots grovel at his feet, yet he says, “I’m really just an ordinary mortal, though…“
Original Webcomic:
AC.QQ, BiliBili Manhua, KuaiKan Manhua, IQIYI
Tens of thousands of big shots submit at his feet yet he says, “I’m really just a mortal...“
The overpowered protagonist who’s simultaneously the weakest in the world.

Invaders from the Crimson Realm have descended upon Earth looking for something called the Power of Existence. Whoever possesses this power will control the very fabric of existence. To the rescue comes an otherworldly young girl with fire in her eyes. She may be cute and petite, but she’s endowed with enough preternatural strength to save the entire universe. Plus, she’s got a really big sword!

A unique take on the 'assassin-for-hire' story, as the assassin 'Tsubame' actually is four different people with four different modes to kill. Penguin is a small quiet kid who has beastly sniper skills, Washi (Owl) has a huge gattling gun grafted to his shoulder to mow down his enemies for the sake of 'justice', Suzume the cute girl who wields dual pistols, and of course Tsubame himself who prefers huge rifles and martial arts. The four have a mechanical arm which when switched allows one of the others to take control. How did Tsubame end up this way? What is the secret of the arm? You'll have to read to find out.
Uma única história sobre o "assassino de aluguel"; mas na verdade o assassino "Tsubame" é quatro pessoas diferentes com quatro diferentes modos de matar. Penguin (Pinguim) é uma criança pequena e quieta que possui incríveis habilidades como atirador, Washi (Owl - Coruja) tem uma metralhadora enorme enxertada no seu ombro a qual usa para devastar seus inimigos pelo bem da "justiça", Suzume é a garota bonitinha que usa duas pistolas, e, claro, o próprio Tsubame, que prefere rifles enormes e artes marciais. Os quatro têm um braço mecânico que quando colocado permite ao outro tomar o controle. Como será que Tsubame vai acabar desse jeito? Qual o segredo do braço? Você terá que ler para descobrir…

Read for free in English on Bilibili Comics
Suddenly transmigrating~ ah ah ah, house fight face slapping~ smack smack smack, falling in love~ muah muah muah, making a fortune~ ha ha ha. Transmigrating as a slave maidservant with a weak and powerless master, let

On the day of the event’s private screening, there Subaru met...
This is a pure BL between a photographer and a designer who is also a wheelchair user.
Original Manga