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In the first half of the 21st century, the necessities of a local war gave rise to a new type of soldier with metal surgically implanted in their backs in order to allow them to wear special combat armor. After the war ends and the men are demobilized, people start calling them Metal Backs, a phrase that becomes synonymous with men who have failed to become true heroes... and thus this SF masterpiece begins!
From Manga Reborn

The elite private tutor, Min Jiang Xi, who is good at "pretending", managed to clinch the CEO Qin Zhan as a client. He, who hates women flocking towards him, warns that "he simply lacks a tutor, not a girlfriend". As he instructed, she is courteous and distant, never crossing the boundaries. But one year later, a drunk Qin Zhan states that "I won’t force you to like me, so don’t force me to not like you. I can’t do it". Can she, who doesn’t believe in love, find it with him?
Min Jiang Xi, professeur particulier pour l'élite, réussit à prouver au PDG Qin Zhan qu'elle serait le professeur parfait à embaucher. Mais cet homme voue une profonde aversion aux femmes qui s'accrochent à lui et la prévient qu'il lui manque simplement une tutrice et non pas une petite amie. Elle s'y attèle en ne franchissant jamais les limites. Mais un an plus tard, Qin Zhan ivre, lui déclare son amour. Elle, qui ne croit pas à l'amour, pourra-t-elle le trouver avec lui ?


A bittersweet story of young love. An original work, published as a doujinshi at C79.

The assignment work that became popular at the Jump+'s "Million Tag" serialization contest project is now available in a complete manuscript!!
In a distant future, the earth has been destroyed by aliens. Keigo, a survivor of the human race who wants to kill the aliens more than anyone else, and Décolleté, the strongest alien who doesn't know what to do with her boredom. What sprouted the moment they met is pity, hatred, or love...? The counterattack by just the two of them begins.

Izumi Mitsu's oneshot about cancellation of online cloud storage service.

豪门弃少苏皓掉入下水道,因祸得福绑定装X系统,凭借系统给予的月光宝盒穿梭到十年前,开启新的人生。 上一世,我如一条狗般活着,恨我的人,翩翩起舞,爱我的人,泪眼如露。 这一世,月光宝盒送我回来,爱我的人,载歌载舞,恨我的人,泪干肠断。
