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Follow the Supernatural Adventures of Loi the Humand and Maya the ghost~

I came from Earth.

At times verbally abusive, at times violent, inseperable female–female “fighting couples” with the smell of sex and violence.

In the middle of the Edo period, there was a person with a keen eye.
The Ronin called himself "Soldier" and belonged to no one, but was a fierce swordsman who faced evil by following his anger against injustice.
When he gets involved in various incidents, he draws a lonely hero image that stands up without bending his own policy.
A full-fledged action historical drama from the unique duo of Kazuo Koike, of Lone Wolf and Cub, and Ken Tsukikage.

Maru, my dog, has become a person. Maru is just a 5-year-old! A thoughtless puppy with infinite energy and curiosity of dogs and children ! Maruuu ! Where are you going again? [Happy neighbors and room days]

One Piece novel Heroines is a novel consisting of seven chapters (and an Illustrations extra) released in the One Piece Magazines, from volume eighth to fifteen. It focuses on the female protagonists of One Piece
Сборник историй во время "таймскипа" о девушках из вселенной Ван Пис.

With beasts appearing all over the world, billions of people have died to the catastrophic event.
Part of the survivors who lived became “metahumans”. They were people who would be able to face off against the beasts, as such, a huge gap between metahumans and the humans who weren’t able to transition opened.
Kim Seonwoo is a regular human guide for the metahumans’ beast subjugation.
On the verge of their death, he heard a voice in his head say:
“Kill them.”
“Kill them and take their power!”
- [Webtoon PV](
전 세계적인 마물들의 등장으로 수십억 인구가 죽은 대재앙.
가까스로 살아남은 생존자 중 일부는 마물들에게 대적할 수 있는 ‘각성자’가 되었고, 그렇지 못한 일반인과는 넘을 수 없는 벽이 존재했다.
각성자들의 마물 토벌을 안내하는 일반인 길잡이 김선우.
각성자의 죽음 앞에 선 그의 머릿속에 목소리가 들려온다.
"죽이고 힘을 빼앗아!"
- [Webtoon PV](

Career, dreams, the future... Kameyama decided to skip this pointless discussion and headed to the rooftop to escape from the approaching reality. There he meets the boy "Rabbit", who he has never seen in school before and somehow doesn’t even own a phone!? Who is this handsome stranger?... A tear-jerking one shot about the threshold to adult life.

In the year 202X, the Otherworlders invaded Earth. The otherworlders have more sophisticated technology and hunted down humans with combat robots and viral weapons, and the remaining humans battled on for 10 years just to survive.
The main character, ‘Park Sung Hyun’, was the leader of the troops in Incheon, Bupyeong. Prior to the invasion of the Otherworlders, he used to be a part-timer at a convenience store like an ordinary person, but he became a strong warrior in the process of losing his family and battling to avenge them.
In the midst of the attack against the Otherworlders’ headquarters, Park Hyun Sung got trapped in a warp portal with the leader. When he woke up, he found himself in a fantasy world that reminded him of the medieval times in Europe, and his soul was trapped inside a weak blonde 15-year-old pretty boy’s body.
Hyun Sung was surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings and his weak body and found out that he is occupying the body of Ian Albarren, and that his father is the lord of a land who owes a large debt to the great lord and faces a difficult time ruling over his land.
Park Hyun Sung, who had been fighting against combat robots and viral weaponry from the Otherworlders who had advanced scientific technology, decides to get used to this fantasy world to fight against monsters with armor and swords.
- [Original Webtoon
202X년 지구에는 이계인들의 침공이 벌어졌다.
지구보다 앞선 기술력을 갖춘 이계인들은
전투 로봇과 생체병기로 인류를 사냥했고,
살아남은 인류들은 생존을 위해 10년 동안 힘겨운 싸움을 해왔다.
주인공 ‘박현성’은 인천 부평지역 민병대의 대장이다.
그는 이계인들의 침략이 있기 전에는
평범한 편의점 아르바이트생이었지만,
가족을 잃고 복수를 위한 싸움을 계속하는 과정 속에서
강인한 전사로 성장한 것이다.
박현성은 부대원들을 이끌고 이계인의 본거지를 공략하던 도중,
워프를 통해 탈출하려는 이계인의 우두머리와 함께
포탈에 휩쓸려 들어간다.
정신을 차려보니 박현성은 중세의 유럽을 연상시키는
판타지 세계에서 깨어났고,
박현성의 영혼은 15세의 병약한 금발 미소년
귀족의 몸 안에 들어가 있었다.
현성은 낯선 상황과 나약한 육체에 당황했지만,
이내 자신의 이름이 이안 알베른이며
아버지가 선대 영주가 대영주에게 진 막대한 빚으로 인해
살림이 어려워진 영지의 영주라는 사실을 알게 된다.
지난 10년간 고도의 과학기술력을 가진
이계인의 전투로봇과 생체병기와 싸워오던 박현성은
검과 갑옷을 두르고 몬스터와 싸워야하는
판타지 세계에 적응하기로 마음먹는다.
- [Original Webtoon

This fanbook is dedicated to the otome game *Shinsouban Heart no Kuni no Alice*, which is the second remake of *Heart no Kuni no Alice*.
It contains, among other things such as CGs and staff interviews, four original short stories.

Anthology containing short stories related to the *Clover no Kuni no Alice* otome game.

These two stories were released on QuinRose's website for the *Alice* otome game's 7th anniversary.

This deluxe edition booklet was packaged with the deluxe version of the *Heart no Kuni no Alice ~ Wonderful Twin World ~* otome game. It contains several short stories.

This deluxe booklet was packaged with the deluxe version of the *Shinsouban Clover no Kuni no Alice* otome game, which itself is a remake of the original *Clover no Kuni no Alice* game. It contains, among other things, several short stories.

As the title said, four replies to "the moon is beautiful" for a confession of love, the standard reply (in the case of YES) is "I can die happy now/I don't mind dying/I'd be fine with dying."

One night just before their third wedding anniversary, Kazuomi was surprised by his wife's proposal for divorce. While he was confused, his wife, Saya only smiled carelessly, saying: "Let's get along with each other for the rest of the time." But in the early morning, he found out her secret. A moving love story about the marriage and divorce of a couple.

I'm 27 years old. Although I'm old enough to have my own sweet romance, I refuse to date any man because of my traumatising experience with my first boyfriend when I was 20 years old.
What matters to me is the size of a man!
Because of that, I was cold toward my co-worker who gave me a lot of affection... When I accidentally fell on him, I felt that there was something on his thigh. It was very long and hard... Is it a baguette?
"I'm serious, not because of your background, but because of that thing between your legs!"
The thing between the legs of the man I dumped looks like it'll be trouble?!

During nap time, he heard a voice next to him say, "Sensei, do you remember our promise? That I'd marry you once I grow up?". He then froze up as he was not only hugged, he could also feel a hot tongue entering his mouth.
"Sensei, don't worry because the one you'll be using is this right here", Shun said as he touches Takayuki's slowly hardening crotch.
The love accidents won't stop between the easily moved 38 year-old nursery school teacher and his ex-student who's going all out with his frontal assault! Their love is sure to fill you up so bon appetit

“Mister Perfect”
A living legend in the realm of mixed martial arts, the Champion, Kim Sanghyuk, was somehow reborn in the Murim world as the youngest son of Keum Hojang!
“This time, I’ll forge a new legend in the Murim!”
Against the backdrop of martial artists and untrained fighters scattered around Murim comes an oddity trained in Boxing, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Jujitsu, Capoeira, Judo, and a variety of modern martial arts, ready to shake up the Murim!

(from ebookjapan):
A slightly sweet and sour coming-of-age romantic comedy about a strange love triangle between a boy with psychic powers, Kyosuke Kasuga, a sukeban, Madoka Ayukawa, and Madoka's kohai, Hikaru Hiyama.
Kyosuke, the eldest son of a supernatural family, meets Madoka, a beautiful girl with a red straw hat, while strolling in the town he has moved to...
[Official English](

Original Web Manga

A suite of emotionally resonant, romantic stories told by a critically acclaimed manga creator. In

Yuno Shiraishi was worried about her relationship with her senior who goes to the same university. He doesn't wear condom when they are having sex. She tried to talk about it with him at a pub, but he said: "Then, do you want to break up?". At that moment, a tough-looking handsome waiter who was watching the whole story throws beer on him, and the two of them are kicked out of the pub...
Yuno, who is at loss, meet a white cat when she goes to a shrine. "If you want to get out of your situation, what about becoming a cat?" Yuno, who has turned into a cat crying in surprise, appears in front of the pub waiter (Takashi). She was afraid that he might be a scary person, but he clumsily gently picks up Yuno (the cat) and takes her home...