Death's Reflection
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Authors: Hino hideshi
Artists: Hino hideshi
Genres: Horror
Original language: Japanese
Official status: Completed

In this second volume of four novelas, Hino continues his theme of the intertwining of innocence and evil in shojo horror manga style. When Yuki and friends discover a corpse reflected in the bathroom mirror at school, they believe it to be a joke. However, gruesome events unfold that will lead them to regret they were ever so foolish. Other stories include a girl whose beauty makes her the victim of a terror campaign; another who is bullied by a teacher but, in death, achieves her revenge; and classroom 3.7, into which students enter but never leave.

The Hino Horror series:
Hino Horror Volume 1: The Red Snake (赤い蛇 Akai Hebi)
Hino Horror Volume 2: The Bug Boy (毒虫小僧 Dokumushi Kozou)
Hino Horror Volume 3: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell (地獄虫を食う! 鬼んぼ Jigoku Mushi Woku! Oninbo)
Hino Horror Volume 4: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell 2
Hino Horror Volume 5: The Living Corpse (死肉の男 Shiniku no Otoko)
Hino Horror Volume 6: Black Cat (黒猫の眼が闇に Kuroneko no Me ga Yami ni)
Hino Horror Volume 7: The Collection (M Collection)
Hino Horror Volume 8: The Collection 2
Hino Horror Volume 9: Ghost School (Ghost School (HINO Hideshi))
Hino Horror Volume 10: Death's Reflection
Hino Horror Volume 11: Gallery of Horrors (Kyoufu Gallery)
Hino Horror Volume 12: Mystique Mandala of Hell (Kaiki! Jigoku Mandara)
Hino Horror Volume 13: Zipangu Night
Hino Horror Volume 14: Skin and Bone

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English Chapters (4 chs)
1 1033 days ago
1 1033 days ago
1 1033 days ago
1 1162 days ago
Multilingual Chapters (0 chs)
Chapters by source
Source Deer (#15217111 / 4 chs)
[Vol.0 Ch.1 - Vol.0 Ch.4] {Vol.0 Ch.3 - 1033 days ago} Completed
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