The Earth has a message for all of its inhabitants: the world is ending in 42 days, and monsters will bring about the apocalypse. Game studio employee Jeong-u Park is selected by the Earth as someone who can save the planet, but he must first survive in a world where people are now killing each other for power. He also must compete with other saviors to retain his planet-saving abilities. As doomsday approaches, can Jeong-u become the savior the world needs?
지구의 폐쇄 안내와 게이트를 통해 등장하는 끔찍한 존재들.
인간의 존엄이 짓밟히는 파멸 속에서 세상을 구하려는 '구원자' 박정우의 일대기가 시작된다.
Неожиданно для всего человечества появилось некое "окно руководства" в котором говорилось о скорой погибели всей земли. Неожиданно появляющиеся из неоткуда монстры. Принижение человеческого достоинства. Угроза гибели, дышащая в спину. Всё это предшествует становлению Пак Чжон Ву как спасителя земли.